Monday, May 16, 2011

As I lay me down to sleep.*

As I lay me down to sleep.

I shut my eyes and hope God blesses me enough to let me open them for another day
Everybody can be touched just check the history books
But if my faith & soul weaken they'll win
And this is one battle I'll never lose unless I choose to.

Written By Rodoël John Rooi

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Prisoner In Glass (Thawed Out)

Prisoner In Glass (Thawed Out)

In the blink of an eye IT just melted away like snow when the mercury being held captive inside a glass tube, rises above zero (0).
Torn up pages symbolized my creativity, my inspiration to write simply evaporated. 

Written By Rodoël John Rooi

Friday, December 31, 2010


2010, You Can Kiss My Black @$*! What A Shitty Year You Have Been!


Monday, December 27, 2010

Inspirational Monday: A Peek Inside My Mind. *Quotes

On the road to riches we forget who we are and lose track of what really matters.

- Rodoël John Rooi -

Two roads, one is a dead end and the other one leads to the end of a cliff. Which one do you choose?

- Rodoël John Rooi -

How can I ignore my feelings, I know I can’t change the world with my words, nonetheless I will try even if it's the last thing I do.

- Rodoël John Rooi -

People make pebbles seem like boulders, but when the going gets rough pebbles can seem like mountains.

- Rodoël John Rooi -

Living our lives to go to a place that no one has ever seen. Everyone claims to know where we are going, but do we really?

- Rodoël John Rooi -

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Grey Area* Hump Day Poem, To Get You Through The Week.

The Grey Area*

Being able to see in color is such a blessing in disguise.
A double edged sword.
We are privileged enough to live in such a beautiful and colorful world.
Sadly this gift also comes with a darkside.
It allows us to judge each other based on the color of our skin.
Therefore I choose to be color blind.
Why would this be better, if you can still see the difference between black and white?

The difference is there is a lot more grey.

Written By Rodoël John Rooi